Congratulations to the Class of 2013

I know that today is Friday and normally on Fridays I write a Friday Fun post. And I know that this is the second week in a row I haven’t done that. But big events keep happening on Fridays. Tonight it was the graduation at my old high school.

It’s been a few years since I attended a high school graduation. (Mine was the last one.) And the ceremony was nice, and with my uncertainty about what I’m going to do after I graduate, it was reassuring to hear the speeches tonight. They all seemed to be assuring me that everything was going to be OK no matter what exactly I ended up doing.

It was also a lot of fun to see the graduates. I had to take photos for my internship so I got to see everyone before they walked down to the field for the ceremony. Everyone was dressed nicely, caps were decorated, and everyone was excited. Graduation is a big deal whether it’s graduation from high school or from college.

And just think. In less than a year I’ll be graduating again. I’ll become part of the class of 2014 and I’ll become a “grownup.” And to me that’s a little scary, because I’m not sure I’m entirely ready or that I will be entirely ready when the time comes.

And what I would like to end this post with is this. Congratulations to the class of 2013. Fabulous and exciting things await you, and I wish you all the best of luck.
