Writer’s Block

So yesterday I wrote about the writing process (my writing process) in pretty general terms, and today all I can think is that I don’t know what to say. It isn’t that I don’t want to blog. I just don’t feel as though I have anything really worth sharing tonight. There are probably plenty of things that I could write about, but I can’t think of what they are. And that happens more than one might think. It isn’t easy to always write and to write and write and write like I have to do for this blog. Some days it really feels as though there isn’t anything I can say that anyone would want to hear. But I continue to write anyway because it’s important to me to write a post every day for a year. That’s my goal with this blog and I refuse to allow writer’s block to stand in my way of reaching that goal. Something unforeseen might arise and I will tackle that when it comes. But missing a post because of writer’s block? That isn’t going to happen.
