Monday Update

I’ve been a little MIA lately, but life has also been really busy lately. Easter just happened, and I went home for that. And school has been busy because it’s the end of the semester so everything is due. I have two portfolios to hand in this week, I have an exam next week, and I graduate in 13 days, so I’m trying to get everything packed up to move back home. Plus the weather has been cooperative, so I’ve been trying to take advantage of that. The sun is a nice change from all the snow we had earlier in the semester.

In other exciting news (and the real reason I decided to write this post) I have officially reached 50 followers on my blog. I just wanted to take a big moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to follow me, to come back and read my posts, and to check in and not give up when I haven’t been posting regularly. I love my blog, and I think it’s just fantastic that you guys all seem to like it too!


On Today’s Quote

Today is Wednesday which means that I posted a “Wednesday Words of Wisdom” post. Today I went with Dr. Seuss because honestly, who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss? He had some really awesome messages to share, and he shared them in some really fun and awesome ways. If nothing else, I love Dr. Seuss, and I need to move onto the reason why I’m writing this blog post.

The quote I posted today was: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” I chose it because in just over 2 weeks I graduate college. May 11 is fast approaching, and as much as I know it’s true I can’t believe it. The past four years have really flown by, and I promised to save all the emotions for right before graduation, and I will. But I just thought that this particular quote really resonated with how I’m feeling right now, and how I’m sure many college and high school seniors are feeling as graduation approaches.

I hope that y’all are having a great Wednesday.


Margin Notes

If you have no idea what my title refers to, that’s ok. Margin notes are what people write and doodle in the margins of their notes during lectures. Sometimes I try to avoid them because I like my notes to look neat. But sometimes I embrace them, like lately, and when I embrace them I’m always glad that I do.

Lately my margin notes have been a lot of lists. I like playing the word association game; you know, you write down a word or phrase and see what stems from it? And I type the lists up on my iPad and file them away for later use. The word associations make for really great writing inspiration which in turn leads to really great writing. And I really love when I have great writing moments.


Friday Fun: An Announcement and Geeking Out

First, before the Friday Fun post, I have an announcement to make. If, for some reason, you aren’t interested in my announcement (and that’s OK) you can skip down to the next paragraph. If you are interested in my announcement, here it is. I graduate exactly one month from today. In one month I will be a college graduate. It’s really crazy and hard to believe, and I promise not to gush about it. (Because that’s for later when it’s even closer than a month away.) But one month is kind of a big deal, and I thought it was worth it to say something.

Now for my Friday Fun. I know that normally my titles for these posts are pretty specific, and today’s was more vague. But really what I want to write about is my definition of geeking out. I don’t really geek out over technology or video games. I don’t even necessarily geek out over books, and I really love books. What I do geek out about is office supplies and office apps for my iPad. And no, I’m not joking.

I get really excited when the school year is starting, not because I love going back to school (even though I don’t really mind) but because it means that there’s an abundance of office supplies that isn’t always there the rest of the year. I love Post-Its and colored pens and notepads and even paperclips and binder clips. My soft spot is really colored pens. I couldn’t even tell you why, but I just adore colored pens. I like writing with them, and I like shopping with them, and I like just looking at them.

And as much as I like actual physical office supplies, I also really like virtual office supplies. As in those really awesome office apps that are for the iPad. I can never have enough of window shopping for them and looking at all the cool things their descriptions say they do. And sometimes I find one I really like and I download it. Currently my favorite one is Totes ‘m Notes, mainly because of the really cute folders. I love being able to organize my writing notes, and this app is perfect for that.

And now that I’ve totally geeked out at all of you, I’m going to call it a night. Have a great weekend!



On Sports

You might have gathered by now that I’m not a big sports person. My family isn’t a big family. I didn’t grow up rooting for specific teams, or any teams at all, really. And I just assumed that’s how my life would continue. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Some people are sports people and some people aren’t. Sort of like some people write and some people don’t. The world needs all sorts of people.

But then, as many of you know, I came to UCONN. And here at UCONN there’s a lot of emphasis on basketball. So I watched a game or two my freshman year. I kind of liked it. I’m not sure I watched any basketball my sophomore year. But then last year, my junior year, I won student section tickets. I went to a lot of games. And this year I won student tickets again. And I didn’t go to quite as many games, but I did go to a lot.

Right now our teams, yes, our men’s team and our women’s team, are in championship games. Tonight our men’s team WON their Final Four game, basically against all odds, and is moving onto the championship game! And our women have their Final Four game tomorrow.

I’m writing all of this because sometimes it’s really great to have a team to root for. Because I love being a part of the UCONN community. Because I kind of love basketball. And life is good.


Friday Fun: Picture Books

I’ve finally gotten everything on my blog sorted out in terms of organization, and I’ve been back and blogging more regularly. Because in all honesty, I kind of miss the blog when I don’t post regularly. Anyways, today is Friday which means, for the first time in a while, a Friday Fun Post. And today I’ve chosen picture books. This decision is only slightly influenced by the fact that I had to go buy a picture book today to bring to my Children’s Literature class on Monday. And really, I like picture books.

It’s no secret on this blog that I love reading and books and stories. I feel like it’s something I’ve said a lot. It’s also not a secret that I love young adult literature. It’s fabulous. It’s probably my favorite thing to read. But I also really love children’s books, which basically means picture books. Reading them is like stepping back into childhood and all that innocence. And the stories are a lot of fun.

Today I bought “The Day the Crayons Quit” which, if you haven’t read, you should. It’s this really cute original idea about the crayons getting mad and wanting to be able to do something different. I really don’t want to spoil the story, but go read it. It’s worth it.

I’m also a huge fan of Mo Willems. He writes some of the best books out there right now, like the Knuffle Bunny books and the Pigeon books. I never fail to smile when I read one of his books which are always refreshing and original.

What is truly remarkable to me about children’s books is that they tell these great stories but they aren’t too complicated. Little kids understand them but grownups can appreciate them. And personally I think that takes a special skill.

So what are some of your favorite children’s books?
