On Sports

You might have gathered by now that I’m not a big sports person. My family isn’t a big family. I didn’t grow up rooting for specific teams, or any teams at all, really. And I just assumed that’s how my life would continue. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Some people are sports people and some people aren’t. Sort of like some people write and some people don’t. The world needs all sorts of people.

But then, as many of you know, I came to UCONN. And here at UCONN there’s a lot of emphasis on basketball. So I watched a game or two my freshman year. I kind of liked it. I’m not sure I watched any basketball my sophomore year. But then last year, my junior year, I won student section tickets. I went to a lot of games. And this year I won student tickets again. And I didn’t go to quite as many games, but I did go to a lot.

Right now our teams, yes, our men’s team and our women’s team, are in championship games. Tonight our men’s team WON their Final Four game, basically against all odds, and is moving onto the championship game! And our women have their Final Four game tomorrow.

I’m writing all of this because sometimes it’s really great to have a team to root for. Because I love being a part of the UCONN community. Because I kind of love basketball. And life is good.
