Friday Fun: An Announcement and Geeking Out

First, before the Friday Fun post, I have an announcement to make. If, for some reason, you aren’t interested in my announcement (and that’s OK) you can skip down to the next paragraph. If you are interested in my announcement, here it is. I graduate exactly one month from today. In one month I will be a college graduate. It’s really crazy and hard to believe, and I promise not to gush about it. (Because that’s for later when it’s even closer than a month away.) But one month is kind of a big deal, and I thought it was worth it to say something.

Now for my Friday Fun. I know that normally my titles for these posts are pretty specific, and today’s was more vague. But really what I want to write about is my definition of geeking out. I don’t really geek out over technology or video games. I don’t even necessarily geek out over books, and I really love books. What I do geek out about is office supplies and office apps for my iPad. And no, I’m not joking.

I get really excited when the school year is starting, not because I love going back to school (even though I don’t really mind) but because it means that there’s an abundance of office supplies that isn’t always there the rest of the year. I love Post-Its and colored pens and notepads and even paperclips and binder clips. My soft spot is really colored pens. I couldn’t even tell you why, but I just adore colored pens. I like writing with them, and I like shopping with them, and I like just looking at them.

And as much as I like actual physical office supplies, I also really like virtual office supplies. As in those really awesome office apps that are for the iPad. I can never have enough of window shopping for them and looking at all the cool things their descriptions say they do. And sometimes I find one I really like and I download it. Currently my favorite one is Totes ‘m Notes, mainly because of the really cute folders. I love being able to organize my writing notes, and this app is perfect for that.

And now that I’ve totally geeked out at all of you, I’m going to call it a night. Have a great weekend!
