Friday Fun: Catching Up

Hi Everyone!

Sorry that I’ve been MIA for most of the week. Mostly it was because I didn’t have a lot to say, and partly it was because I’ve just been so busy with work. Taking six classes means a lot of work a lot of the time, and my family is coming up to visit tomorrow, so I’ve been working on getting things done in advance. But also, I figured that if I don’t have anything I want to say, it’s ok if I go MIA for a day or two (or four). It’s not as if I’m planning on disappearing completely. If that’s the case, I’ll give you guys a heads up.

So all of that out of the way, things are good. School is keeping me very busy, but I like most of the work I have to do so that’s ok. And life has been a little exciting because it’s been premiere week for TV, and while I have some shows I still need to catch up on, the premieres that I have seen have been really good. Regular readers of this blog know that I’m a little bit of a TV junkie, so premiere week is an exciting thing for me.

In other news, I think I had previously mentioned that I had discovered a new young adult author, Susane Colasanti. Since writing that post, I’ve read 4 of her books, and I’ve absolutely loved them. They’re the type of book that I just have to read until it’s done because I so desperately want to know what’s going to happen next. Her books are entirely relatable and realistic, and I highly recommend going out and reading her books. You won’t regret it.

I’ve also been excited lately because fall weather is (slowly) starting to roll in, and I adore sweater weather. Summer is wonderful and I love it, but I’m ready for cooler temperatures and fall clothing. This only in part has to do with the fact that I’m very tired of wearing my summer wardrobe. Just a smidgen.

That’s all for now, and I’ll try to write again soon. Maybe even tomorrow.


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