The Importance of an SFD

Everyone needs an SFD (S***** First Draft.) If you’re going to write, this is a concept that you have to embrace. And it’s hard because the SFD is called that for a reason. They suck. They sound gross when you take the time to reread them. And sometimes they can make it hard to write. They make it hard for me to write. Why would I want to write when what I write sounds like an SFD?

But I’ve embraced that they’re important. SFD’s are how we get the story down on the page. We go back and fix it later. Without an SFD there would be no writing because no one would be able to write. I firmly believe that everyone has to write badly to write well because one is a stepping stone to the other.

So I’ve learned to keep writing when I’m in the SFD stage. (FYI I’m there right now.) I assure myself that the writing will get better so long as I stick with it. I make this assurance on a pretty regular basis. And I’m making it to you, all my fellow writers out there. The writing will get better. If you stick with it you will move past the SFD stage. And I can’t wait to see what we all come up with.
