All About Books

As much as I write, I read. Reading is important if you’re going to write. Through reading one learns about storytelling styles, character development, how to pace a story, and there are so many great ideas in every book. So there’s a lot that an author can gain from reading, and I try to read as much as I can. And when I read I try to read young adult literature because that’s what I dream of writing someday, so I study it. I have favorite books and favorite authors (JK Rowling, Sarah Dessen, Suzanne Collins) and I love reading old favorites, but I also love finding new books to love.

So I was super excited today when one of my friends surprised me by loaning me 5 books to read. Three of them are typical young adult literature/chick lit and two are historical fiction. I’ve already started one of the YAL/chick lit books and I love it. Sometimes I wonder if girls are automatically programmed to love such things, but something tells me that they aren’t. Regardless, I’m loving the book that I’m reading (When It Happens by Susane Colasanti) and I can’t wait to tell all of you about it when I finish it.

In the spirit of asking new questions whenever possible, what is your favorite type/genre of book to read? You already know mine!


Love of Books and Stories

I know that in the past I have written about how much I love books. In the intervening weeks that sentiments hasn’t changed, just like I don’t imagine it changing ever. For as long as I can remember books have been an integral part of my life. I love to read. I love stories. And that’s just simply the way it is.

I think when people hear the word stories they automatically assume that books are being talked about. After all, it’s books that tell stories, isn’t it? And that assumption certainly isn’t wrong. Hundreds of books tell dozens of different stories. Some books hold more general appeal than others, and some have better writing styles than others, but all tell stories. Personally I’m a fan of young adult literature even though I’m quickly outgrowing the “young adult” title. I love “The Hunger Games” series. I grew up with the Harry Potter franchise. And I’m a huge fan of Sarah Dessen’s books. (Girly, I know, but I am a girl, and I love the stories that she tells.) When it comes to the young adult genre pretty much anything is fair game once. I don’t believe in judging a book by it’s cover. I believe in judging it by how much it interests me. And outside of the young adult genre I love both ends of the spectrum. I’m a big fan of Jodi Picoult’s work, and I’m also a big fan of Mo Willems’ work. (For those of you who don’t know he writes the pigeon books and they’re hilarious.)

But stories aren’t just told by books. Stories are told by TV shows and by movies. They’re told by commercials and movie previews. They’re what are found on book jacket covers. They’re what can be found in a collection of pictures. Stories are everywhere in every form imaginable. And I like to imagine them in all of those forms.

Besides being quite the bookworm, I’m a little bit of a TV junkie and I love going to the movies. I love seeing how stories unfold on the small and big screens alike. It takes skill and talent to make a story look and feel real on the screen, but telling a story on screen also allows for a different way of presenting a story than a book does. More points of view can be used. Different scenes can be seen. It’s an entirely different way to bring in the audience, and I love that.

Clearly I’m a big fan of stories in all forms, something that will never change. And who knows? Maybe one day it will be my stories in the books and on the screen.
