Home for the Holidays

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to say that I did it! I took my last exam. I packed up everything I needed for winter break. My dad came up and we loaded (and later unloaded) the car. And I am pleased to say that I am home!

It’s truly a wonderful thing to be home. For those of you who follow this blog, you know how much I love being home. I love my family and friends. I love having the break from school. And really, I love home. I’m one of those people who sets up roots and loves a place fully, which is what I’ve done with Mystic.

Granted, Mystic is really Mystic and Groton and sometimes for fun we throw in Waterford and New London. But to me it’s the place where I grew up and love coming back to. Today Mom and I went out shopping and went to my favorite local restaurant for lunch. It was great to be there because we’re regulars and in its own way just going there is like coming home.

And, to make everything better and add to the winter excitement, there’s snow! By morning it’s likely that it’ll be that slushy kind of gross stuff we get here by the coast, but right now there’s snow. Which I just happen to think is lovely.

I also want to add that today marks the one year anniversary of the Newtown shootings. One year ago today so many things changed. Little things and the big picture changed. Lives were changed. Policies were changed. And I could sit here and tell you about where I was and what I was doing and everything else, but I don’t think that’s what’s most important. What’s most important is to remember that 26 lives were lost that day. We can never forget that.

That’s all for now. I promise to keep you posted one the goings on of my winter break, the exciting and (what will probably be) the mundane. Thanks for reading!



Normally on a Friday, I would write a Friday Fun post. I would pick a fun topic and write all about it and it would be great. But today I need to write a different type of post. Six months ago today was the Newtown Massacre. 26 innocent lives were lost and it completely rocked the world we live in. So many things changed after December 14. The repercussions of what happened that day continue to ripple through our country even today. The most important thing to remember though is that 26 people lost their lives. 26 people didn’t go home that day. 26 families were forever altered. And we can never forget the lives that were lost. Six months later we haven’t forgotten. And hopefully in another six months and another six months and another six months we will still remember.
