Why I’m (Sometimes) a Giant Dork

For the most part I like to think that I’m at least somewhat normal. I like to hang out with my family and friends, read books, write A LOT, watch too much TV, etc. And to me that sounds pretty normal. I’ve also just started grad school, am busy with schoolwork, love going to the beach in the summer and so on. But I do have one major weakness that, at least in my opinion, makes me a giant dork.

I love school supplies.

I am sure that there are plenty of people out there who love school supplies. But I REALLY love school supplies. I get really excited when the school supply displays get put up in Walmart and Target. (It’s happening NOW, by the way.) I have to restrain myself from buying supplies in excess because, well, how many packages of Post-It tabs does one person really need? (Colored pens are also a problem for me.)

Recently I did a happy dance in Target. This isn’t as weird as it sounds, not really. But I wasn’t doing a happy dance because I saw someone I knew or because there were mint Oreos or anything like that. It wasn’t even a happy dance over nail polish (another weakness) which I have been known to do before. This was a happy dance, right in a main aisle, because I found my planner for the upcoming school year.

Yes. You read that correctly. I did a happy dance because I found my planner.

Now, before you start to really wonder if I’ve gone crazy, I assure you that I haven’t. But I realized that with grad school and my internship and life in general I was going to need a bigger planner than I’ve been buying. (I needed more lines to write things, OK?) And since I’ve already started grad school, I started looking for planners earlier than normal. And planners are hard to find in July. The ones I was finding were too small, or didn’t have lines, or just weren’t pretty. And pretty is a requirement because my planner is a HUGE part of my life. So when I found my planner, and decided that it was my planner, I did a happy dance. In front of my family. In the middle of Target.

And if that doesn’t make me a giant dork then what does?


On Organization

I am not and certainly never have been the neatest person in the world. I have good intentions. But I have a hard time keeping my room clean. I got better about it in college, and hope to continue that now that I’ve moved home. (We’re also redoing my room a little bit which should help.) But as much as I struggle with keeping my room clean, I really love being organized.

Probably the most organized thing in my life are my computer files. I have folder upon folder upon folder. Things are super organized. The trick is remembering what I’ve named documents. I don’t have a system for that yet. That’s kind of OK in my book though. The important thing is that I know where to look when I need to look for something.

I also really love office supplies. I’m a big fan of Post-Its and folders and accordion folders which at least perpetrate the idea of being organized. I like binder dividers and believing that everything is filed away neatly and perfectly.

And lastly I love my planner. I get a new one at the start of every school year, and I’m pretty good about keeping up with it. It’s color-coded. (Yes, I’m that person.) And in my world, if it isn’t in the planner, chances are it’s not really happening. Now if only I could find a way to make an electronic planner work for me…
