October’s Been Crazy

I’m sure that you all have gathered from my lack of posting that life has been crazy. Some days it feels like crazy is an understatement. My internship keeps me really busy during the day. And at night I’m busy with classes and homework. There’s so much homework! Luckily I mostly love what I’m doing so I don’t mind taking the time to do it. I really do love my internship and my coworkers. And most of my classes are pretty fabulous this semester.

All of this together though means that sometimes there isn’t a lot of free time. (And when there is free time I’ve kind of forgotten what I’m supposed to do with myself.) Which is how I’ve (kind of) fallen behind on blogging and letter writing and writing in general and just everything. Luckily I’ve been able to catch up on some things this weekend. I even got to do super fun things like paint my nails. (Because having pretty nails is definitely something that’s pretty awesome.)

How has October been for all of you? Laid back or crazy or somewhere in-between?


Happy October!

Hey All! I hope that you had a great first day of October. I know I did – classes, lunch with friends, homework – but my complaint is that it isn’t cold. In my mind October is all about the sweater weather, and tomorrow I think I’m going to have to wear shorts. Shorts! Is it so much to ask to be able to wear blue jeans and a shirt of my choosing? I don’t think that it is, but apparently Mother Nature disagrees. And I kind of have to go along with Mother Nature.

In other news, my academic life is super super busy right now. I have midterms and a portfolio to work on and big writing assignments that are due. Everything is vying for my attention at once, and sometimes I wish I could clone myself. Other times I wish I could freeze time and take time to color or read a book or have a Netflix marathon. I might really like my classes this semester, but I could kind of do without the midsemester rush. (And is it really midsemester already? I don’t think so.)


Baby Panda Picture courtesy of Pinterest

And, as promised, I’m including a picture, the first of the month. This is one I took from Pinterest a while ago, and I just love the baby panda. It’s adorable. I sort of kind of really love baby animal pictures in general because they’re just always so cute and make me smile. I hope that this picture makes you smile, and if it does that you’ll let me know. And if there are picture “themes” that you want me to share let me know. I have a very diverse Pinterest account which I can draw from, as well as pictures all my own.

I hope you’re having a great week, and maybe you’ll share a favorite picture with me?
