A Little of This and A Little of That

I had a really big awesome Valentine’s Day post planned for yesterday, but yesterday was a crazy day and blogging unfortunately fell low on the priority list. But what I was going to say about Valentine’s Day is this:

People either love Valentine’s Day or hate Valentine’s Day. There often doesn’t seem to be a lot of in-between. I am the in-between. I wouldn’t say that Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday, and for a while I really hated it because I’m always single. And Valentine’s Day tends to throw that back in my face, or so it seemed. But then a friend told me that Valentine’s Day isn’t about dating someone or not dating someone. It’s about love. It’s about having love in your life. And I have that. I love my family. I love my friends. And in return they love me. Every single day of the year. Yes, Valentine’s Day is a day to recognize that, but it doesn’t change the fact that every day there is love in my life because there are wonderful people in my life. And really that’s what Valentine’s Day should be about.

I was also going to write a Friday Fun post yesterday because yesterday was Friday and I’ve been delinquent in sharing the fun. That also didn’t happen. But what I wanted to tell you about are the books I’ve been reading. Recently, and because of the upcoming movie, I’ve discovered the “Divergent” trilogy. I’m in the middle of the second book now, and they’re amazing. The writing, the story, the characters. I’ve actually had to read the second book only a little bit at a time because it’s making me heartsick. Yes, it’s actually making me heartsick. But they’re amazing and I love them and I can’t wait for the first movie to come out in March. If you haven’t watched the “Divergent” trailer yet, go do it now. It’s fabulous.

And of course, as it has been with all my recent posts, it’s snowing. This is actually the second storm this week. We had a huge storm on Thursday resulting in an extra long weekend for me. And it’s snowing again today. And currently there’s snow in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday. I love the snow because it makes everything really pretty. And it’s special to winter. And it’s great the first couple of snow storms. But lately there’s been a lot of snow and a lot of cold and I’m really looking forward to spring. I’m not sure if or when it’s going to come, but I’m really looking forward to it.

I hope that all is well with you, my readers.


Friday Fun: Kid Movies

Finally a Friday Fun post on a Friday! (Crazy, I know.) Tonight I decided to write about little kid movies, one of my favorite movie genres. I’m sure to some that sounds a little crazy, given that I’m well past the age of the target audience for those movies, but I love them all the same. I like being able to kick back and just enjoy a movie for the sake of a movie and not look for a deeper meaning. And what I’m really excited about this summer is the fact that the new Despicable Me movie which comes out in 5 days!

Again, I’m sure it sounds crazy that I’m looking forward to this movie, but I have a soft spot for the minions. They’re really cute, they mean well and sometimes they make mistakes. And sometimes no one knows what they’re saying. And I can relate to all of that. The minions and I would understand each other if the minions were actually real.

And of course, I’m a Disney kid. I grew up on Disney movies and I love them all. I have a soft spot for the princess movies but there were a lot of other ones I like too, like Aladdin and The Aristocats.

So take time this weekend and watch a little kid movie. It’ll be fun. I promise.
