Welcome to 2016

Hello World!

Yesterday I posted about goals and resolutions I have for 2016, and today 2016 is here. I have to admit that I’m off to a slow start with those goals. I didn’t meet my active minutes goal for the day. I haven’t really come close to beginning to meet any of my goals. I did however start a new book which means I’m working towards my goal of reading at least 3 books a month.

The point of this post isn’t to reflect on the barely there progress I’ve made on my goals, especially since the year has barely started. What I wanted to talk about was how people feel about New Year’s and goal setting at this time of year in general.

I am a firm believer in setting New Year’s goals. I am not always able to follow through on them. Sometimes my goals are too lofty. Sometimes I’m just unmotivated. This year I came up with a number of goals that I would like to follow through on, and the ones I thought I would struggle with more I tried to set under reasonable terms (healthy lunches vs healthy meals period, exercise 3 times a week instead of every day.)

So that’s me. Then yesterday I read a lot of HelloGiggles articles. This is nothing new. I generally read at least a couple a day. The ones I read yesterday talked about New Years and resolutions. They were interesting. They stuck with me. And if you aren’t reading HelloGiggles articles I highly recommend them. I learn things. I think about things. They make me smile. They are a bright spot in my daily internet usage.

The first article I read talked about Elizabeth Gilbert and her New Year’s ritual. She writes down everything she wants to leave behind in the old year and welcome into her life in the new year, and then she burns the paper and scatters the ashes in the nearest body of water.

I thought that this was a really interesting tradition and a great way to ring in the new year. I am all about bringing great things into the new year with me and leaving the old behind. I think everyone should have that mindset and implement it however they see best. (I’m klutzy so generally I don’t do things that involve fire. Maybe there can be a ceremonial shredding or sending things off into the world with balloons instead.)

The other article I read talked about why the author doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. She compares it to going on a journey, and how you’re walking on a flat road all year. Then comes January 1 and you decide to tackle a giant hill. Only you aren’t prepared. She argues that it’s better to be on a gentle incline all the time, with smaller highs and lows, than to try to climb this big mountain.

This was a mindset that made a lot of sense to me. I am a firm believer in setting goals come January first, but I also set goals for August. Or November. Or for next week. I look for clean slates to set goals all the time, and I think everyone should. Goals can be set all the time, and people should embrace setting them whenever the time seems right. There is no right or wrong time to set goals, only what’s right for you.

What are your thoughts on resolutions and New Year’s? Let me know in the comments!


Excited for 2016

I love New Year’s. I love all the possibilities it holds. I love that it’s a clean slate. I love setting goals for the new year. I love that it’s a brand new opportunity to be your best you. I’ve spent the past couple of weeks brainstorming some of the things I hope to be able to accomplish and work toward in 2016, and I thought that the best way to end the year was to share those thoughts with all of you.

I want to get back to journaling every day. I took a break from journaling every day this fall and taking that break was really good for me. It was refreshing and allowed me to reassess my journaling practices. It helped me to realize that I want to be journaling every day. And I want to take the time to really reflect and explore my thoughts rather than just scribble something down and move on.

I want to exercise and hit my active minutes goal at least 3 times a week.

I want to make healthier lunches for myself.

I want to read at least 3 books a month.

I want to work harder to stay in touch with my friends who are scattered across the country, and sometimes even father.

I want to blog regularly and really see this blog, and englishnook, grow.

I want to write regularly and make sure to work on my new secret project.

I want to take a few minutes each day for quiet time.

I’m sure that I could keep babbling and come up with even more goals. I’m feeling very excited and energized about the upcoming year. I also think that these are some of my most important goals. I’m working towards being my best me, because it’s important to always be the best version of yourself you can be.

What are some of your goals for 2016?
