Friday Fun: Books

I know that I’ve written about books before. Sometimes I’ve written about books in general and sometimes I’ve written about specific books that I’ve read and loved. The truth of the matter is, I love books. I love to read and I love to write and I love to spend time in other worlds, even if it’s only for a little bit. And starting this year, 2015, I’m working really hard to be more well read instead of just reading young adult literature because that’s what I like.

One of my goals/resolutions for 2015, besides to be more well read, is to keep track of what I’m reading. So far this year I’ve read roughly 7 books and I’ve read everything from young adult literature to memoirs to Charles Dickens. It’s been really fun to read things that I don’t normally venture into. I’ve been loving reading, and I don’t want to let it slip out of my life again. It definitely slipped out last semester because I was just so busy with grad school and my internship. This semester, what with being more well adjusted to everything, I’m hoping to be able to keep up with reading more.

What are all of you reading? Let me know!


Friday Fun: New Years Resolutions

Hello Everyone!

This is the first Friday Fun post in entirely too long, and I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to write it about. I wanted to write about something new and different and something that I hadn’t written about before. I’m pretty sure that resolutions aren’t something I’ve written about, and if I did, it was probably close to a year ago.

I have mixed feelings on resolutions. They aren’t something that I want to make just for the sake of making them which is often what ends up happening. I’ll say that I’m going to exercise more or eat healthy, and then I don’t. I think that part of the problem is that these are huge goals, and I don’t have anything in place to keep me on track. This year I’m trying to take on things that are more bite sized.

Two of my goals this year are to read more and to blog more regularly. Already I’ve read 5 books and they’ve been good. I’ve read a memoir and Jodi Picoult and Ayn Rand for the first time ever. I started A Christmas Carol today because believe it or not I’ve never actually read it. So the whole book thing is really exciting for me this year. I’m really looking forward to reading things I’ve never read before and pushing myself. I have two big book lists that I’m working off of, and that’s been great. They’re giving me some guidelines for what I want to read, and they’re helping me to become more well read. That’s really something I’m working towards, especially as I get closer and closer to being an actual official teacher. One of my other big goals for this year is to blog more regularly. I’ve been really absent lately because there are just so many things going on that blogging falls low on the list. It’s hard when there’s homework and classes and my internship, and it’s been feeling like a lot of effort to log into my computer and log into the blog and write. But with the new year, I’m working really hard to get back to blogging on Wednesdays and Fridays every week and on other days when there’s things for sharing. It might take me a while to really get into a rhythm, but know that I’m really working hard and doing my best.

What do you think of New Years Resolutions? I’m really thinking that this bite sized approach is the way for me to go. I’ll let you know how things work out.
