TV Binge Watching

Apparently “binge-watching” has become a real thing. It shouldn’t really surprise me because in all honesty it’s something I’ve been doing for a long time. You find a TV show that you really like and you watch all of it as quickly as you can. I just did it this summer with Castle, and now I’m all caught up for the fall season. So the action doesn’t surprise me. The fact that it has a name sort of does. It makes it sound like a bad thing, and I don’t think it necessarily is. I think so long as one goes about their “normal” life binge watching is fine. It’s nice to have something to look forward to. I might be largely alone in that opinion, but it’s the opinion that I’m going with. I’m not saying that “binge-watching” is for everyone or that it doesn’t need to be handled appropriately. But I think it’s fun to catch up on TV and I think that a better name could have been come up with for “binge-watching.” Thoughts?
