The Planning Notebook

It’s no secret that I’ve been at this whole blogging thing for a while. There have been good months and bad months and a lot of learning.

A couple of things I’ve learned:

  • I need to schedule posts in advance because sometimes life gets in the way.
  • I need to have a plan for my posts or I go totally blank.

Having learned these things about myself and my blogging process, I now have a blog notebook. That sounds weird because a blog is, by definition, online. But I have a notebook where I gather ideas and brainstorm and plan out posts for the month.

It’s a slow process because it’s an evolution. I’m working on being better about blogging, and I’m working on planning it all out. At this point I could have walked away from the blog, but something keeps pulling me back. There is a part of my that loves this blog deeply and wants it to succeed. So I’m gonna stick with it.
