Sticking With an Idea

As I’ve already said, and therefore probably don’t need to say again, I write a lot. I write every day. It’s a very big part of who I am and what I do, and I can’t imagine my life being any other way. But today what I really want to focus on is the idea of sticking with a single idea when writing.

The fact of the matter is, I have a lot of ideas. I am always coming up with new ideas, drawing inspiration from other things, working with ideas new and old. But what I struggle with, and always have, is the idea of seeing one idea all the way through.

I do pretty well with flash fiction, stories that focus on a single moment. Anything bigger than that and I have a hard time seeing it through. It isn’t that I don’t want to see my ideas through. I think it’s more that I don’t plan my stories out because I like to see where the characters take me, and often we run into dead ends.

I could end the post there and it could be more than a little sad. But the fact of the matter is, I always circle back. It might take a long time, and it might not be the most productive writing session in the world every time, but I do circle back. I do hope to someday finish everything.


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