Writer’s Block

So yesterday I wrote about the writing process (my writing process) in pretty general terms, and today all I can think is that I don’t know what to say. It isn’t that I don’t want to blog. I just don’t feel as though I have anything really worth sharing tonight. There are probably plenty of things that I could write about, but I can’t think of what they are. And that happens more than one might think. It isn’t easy to always write and to write and write and write like I have to do for this blog. Some days it really feels as though there isn’t anything I can say that anyone would want to hear. But I continue to write anyway because it’s important to me to write a post every day for a year. That’s my goal with this blog and I refuse to allow writer’s block to stand in my way of reaching that goal. Something unforeseen might arise and I will tackle that when it comes. But missing a post because of writer’s block? That isn’t going to happen.


Pondering the Writing Process

For as long as I can remember, I have written. Of course there was some writing that was done exclusively for school assignments, and as time has gone on the amount of writing for school has increased. That’s what happens when one chooses to be an English and Journalism double major. But a lot of the writing I do is for myself. I keep a real paper and pen journal that I write in daily and I have for a long time. I have this blog where I write daily. And in general I tend to write a lot. I write lists and outlines and stories and (sometimes) poems. A large part of my life centers on writing.

And with writing comes the writing process. Sometimes the writing process is great and sometimes it really isn’t. I love compiling lists and writing out different story ideas. For me that’s a lot of fun. And I love writing the initial draft of something. What I’m not as good at is finishing stories once I’ve started them and I’m even worse at revising my own personal writing. These are things I can do when I’m writing for school or writing for an internship. But when it comes to my own writing that no one else ever really sees, I’m not as good at those things. I think it has to do with the fact that no one sees the stories or poems that I write.

Ultimately I do love the writing process, and writing in general. It’s something that I’m confident doing and feel that I’m good at. It’s often how I sort out things and decompress at the end of the day. I love to write and plan on doing it for as long as I can.
